National Auto Loan Network (NALN)

For their new headquarters in Tustin, NALN decided to stand out and go with 120-degree benching stations.
ODS task was challenging: to provide modern, functional benching workstations ensuring comfort, productivity and safety of employees in post-Covid era. Together with our partner dealer we worked hard on the task and delivered on the promise. ODS XBench line was used in the project featuring elegant, angled legs, modern wooden pattern laminate tops and 24” clear glass encasing each station for protection. Abundance of clear glass allowed creating open plan environment full of natural light.
Together with our partner dealer ODS delivered unique and cost-effective solution that exceeded customer expectations.
NALN at a glance:
The National Auto Loan Network was founded by a group of finance professionals with over 40 years of experience who shared a vision of finding a way to take the mystery out of obtaining financing to either purchase a vehicle or refinance their auto loan.